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Contact us

Help, I think I may have a ghost!

Yes we can help you however we also recognise that for many people asking for help is a last step, and then only taken reluctantly and with reservations about what a paranormal group might do. For this reason we don’t make any assumptions and can often help you without adding to the disruption you may already be suffering. For a start, read our self-help guide as this may allay many if not all of your concerns. If you need help then contact us and you can be assured of high quality support and help.

Whatever approach you wish to take, even if you have a preferred paranormal group you’d like to use, remember that your privacy and needs are important so make sure whoever you allow into your own home and life will respect your needs. Our approach is very low key and discrete, can involve a lot of work (we enjoy the challenge and reward of helping) and is about your needs rather than any self-aggrandisement of our team.

To contact us please E-mail us at: